Bringing the Funny

This is kind of a lengthy addendum to my previous post on Tone. I started including some bits of it there but I realized this topic is best appreciated in its own post. For those that know me, yes, I realize that I'm only JUST BARELY not writing about both FUoS and Lady Gaga's gender-twisting project here, too.Today, I want to focus on teh funnay. I've come to really appreciate the way a humorous approach can be a great way to discuss feminist topics. The following are all projects that I see as positive and very accessible ways to bring gender issues to light. I also find them pretty hilarious -- which is, of course, tied in with their accessability. They're not part of 'gaming' per se, but the influence and parallels are quite clear.Men-ups is a photo series from photographer Rion Sabean that depict men in classic 1940s-1950s pin-up...