Feed the Trolls

Click for 2011-12-04 update.From the very beginning I've been examining almost every scrap of traffic we get to Fat, Ugly or Slutty. I've tried to determine the context of the discussion that brought us a visitor and understand if people are interpreting FUoS as a positive or a negative beast. Over and over and over again, the same themes emerged in forums, blog comments, articles, etc. I discussed several of these in the bit-gamer.net article and linked to them within as a little bit of "proof" of each theme. For a long time now, one of the major pieces of "common-sense" advice given to the harassed has been bugging me, and I'm starting to see evidence that I'm not the only one.To back it up a little, let's be clear about what happened to FUoS. We started a dumb little joke site for us and our friends -- a laughter...

Welcome to My Kitchen

I've had this domain for a while now, and I purchased it with the "Get Back in the Kitchen" title always in mind. It started out as a personal recipe database application that I was building in PHP/Symfony. The idea was literally to put myself back in the kitchen and learn more about cooking, ingredients, costs and nutritional data -- a personalized way to figure out our meals and store our recipes in a single format online instead of across 10 cookbooks. The "kitchen" also had another meaning for me: get back into non-work coding. As a developer, you have to always be learning and sometimes it's hard to get started without a focused project that you're excited about.But since then, several other (awesome) projects have taken up my precious free time. (I don't have a link for how much time my wedding planning has taken up, sorry.)Over the last...